
Breaking the Silence

The Leviathan is finally headed your way ...

I apologize to faithful followers of Nightscape for my prolonged inactivity on this blog. These last months have been a test of patience for me, too, while I've struggled to coordinate the work necessary to finish the picture. I'll leave the trevails of post-production to another post (or several). The news that counts is this: I'm proud to announce the world premiere of Nightscape at the Montreal Comiccon HorrorfestNightscape was one of 15 films selected by the festival as part of its initial feature film lineup. The festival, which runs from September 14th through the 16th in Montreal, Quebec, will showcase a total of 30 features from around the globe.

(A curious aside: As it happens, one of the guests of honor at the Montreal Comiccon is Gunnar Hansen, famous for playing the cannibal Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Early in Nightscape's production, I signed a pay or play agreement with Mr. Hansen's management team for him to cameo. Unfortunately, the film's final budget precluded us from becoming a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) signatory, so Mr. Hansen was compelled to drop out. Much to my relief, he did so gracefully and without holding me to the entirety of the financial penalty he could've demanded. I hope to thank him for his generosity in person.)

 I’m pleased to bring Nightscape to a large, enthusiastic genre audience at the Montreal Comiccon Horrorfest. After nearly two years of work, I’m anxious to know how it plays. It’s not a paint-by-numbers horror film. It’s a smart supernatural thriller that relies more on character and atmosphere than gimmicky jump scares.

 There's still much to be done before we master the film. We're still shy a few digital effects shots. And we continue to refine the sound mix and color. But it's safe to anticipate a master by the end of the month. At the same time, I'm prepping the release of an original tie-in novel, an action-driving iOS game, the film's spaghetti western/retro-80s soundtrack, and an original radio play/podcast. Yes, these next few months will see a veritable onslaught of Nightscape swag!

Now that the silence has been broken with a big huzzah, you can expect regular (well, at least weekly) posts on the film's festival run as well as my other Nightscape-related ventures. Thanks for sticking with me. Here's where it gets good...